Russia to sanction Reddit for failing to remove ‘banned content’

Alex Omenye
Alex Omenye

Social media platform, Reddit faces a fine for the first time in Russia for failing to remove “banned content.”

Russian officials claim that the “banned content” discredits the Russian army, according to the Interfax news agency, which cited a Moscow court on Wednesday.

Reddit could face a punishment of up to 4 million roubles ($43,895) for failing to take down “extremist information” and “knowingly false information” about the Soviet Union’s involvement in World War Two.

Russia has imposed stricter fines for “discrediting” the acts of its military troops or disseminating false information about them, tightening controls over media and blogger coverage of the battle.

Reddit joins a group of websites, including Google, Twitch, and Wikimedia, that are being investigated in Russia for failing to take down content that Moscow considers to be unlawful.

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