FG launch cleantech initiative to empower startups, SMEs 

Onwubuke Melvin
Onwubuke Melvin

The Federal Government has unveiled the National Cleantech Innovation Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, an initiative that aims to promote small and medium-sized businesses and startups in the nation.

This was disclosed in a statement by the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Technology, Chief Uche Nnaji via his official X account on Thursday.

The Global Cleantech Innovation Programme Nigeria, an initiative led by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and funded by the Global Environment Facility, organized the launch ceremony in Abuja.

“We launched the National Cleantech Innovation Entrepreneurship Ecosystem to bridge the commercialisation gap faced by cleantech startups. Despite their potential to drive economic development and renewable energy access, they struggle with the “valley of death,” he stated.

In line with President Tinubu’s plan for “Renewed Hope,” Nnaji emphasized the importance of focusing on strengthening institutional capacity, encouraging international cooperation, creating strong laws and regulations, and guaranteeing gender and youth participation.

“The launch of the CIEE demonstrates our commitment to supporting SMEs offering innovative cleantech solutions,” Nnaji added. “We are proud that Nigeria is among the fifteen countries implementing this impactful programme.”

The minister stated that the project’s first phase provided three cycles of the GCIP Nigeria Accelerator and provided technical help. Since then, the emphasis has switched to Component 2, which is being managed by the Federal Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology in collaboration with UNIDO.

Nnaji noted that the component aimed to enhance and connect the institutional capacity of CIEE participants, develop policies, promote collaborations, and ensure gender and youth inclusion.

explained that the event witnessed participation from federal ministries, research institutes, agencies, project partners, financial institutions, the private sector, incubation hubs, civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, tertiary institutions, and numerous entrepreneurs and startups

The National Programme Coordinator for Environment and Energy, UNIDO, Oluyomi Banjo emphasized the value of cleantech in Nigeria and the critical role that the CIEE plays in creating an environment that is favorable to cleantech businesses.

Banjo highlighted Nigerian SMEs’ successes in garnering global recognition as evidence of the nation’s potential in this area.

He praised the work being done by Nigeria’s Ministry of Innovation, Science, and Technology to advance cleantech development and reiterated UNIDO’s dedication to advancing equitable and sustainable industrial growth.

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