LinkedIn unveils new AI-powered features to boost engagement

Alex Omenye
Alex Omenye

LinkedIn on Thursday, in a bold move to attract more users and increase engagement, launched a range of new AI-driven services.

These tools are designed to streamline job searches and applications, enhance learning opportunities, and improve search functionalities on the platform.

LinkedIn’s commitment to integrating AI is not new. The company has been embedding AI into its products since 2007. “We’ve been building with AI since 2007,” said Tomer Cohen, LinkedIn’s head of product, in an interview with TechCrunch.

From suggesting connections to maintaining ecosystem trust, AI has been a cornerstone of LinkedIn’s strategy. Cohen highlighted the significance of AI in connecting users and defending the platform’s integrity.

The current AI wave focuses on tools that help users with human-centric tasks, a trend LinkedIn is eager to capitalize on. Last October, LinkedIn introduced a suite of OpenAI-powered tools, including reading and writing aids, and features to enhance profile writing, recruitment ads, and company pages.

Unlike other social media giants facing existential questions about generative AI, LinkedIn has a more stable position, thanks to its parent company Microsoft, which holds a significant stake in OpenAI. This allows LinkedIn to focus on integrating and building AI tools without the pressure of leading innovation.

LinkedIn is introducing a conversational search tool to simplify job hunting. Users can search for jobs using natural language prompts. LinkedIn is also enhancing its video-based learning platform, which has seen a 160% increase in traffic for AI-related courses.

For Premium subscribers, LinkedIn is piloting AI-powered “expert advice” from renowned instructors. These personalized responses will serve as a starting point for users, appearing as virtual coaches during LinkedIn Learning courses.

LinkedIn is overhauling its search experience, which has been one of the platform’s weaker areas. The new search will use conversational prompts to provide more relevant results, moving beyond the current keyword-based system.

In addition to these features, LinkedIn is expanding Recruiter 2024, introducing more tools for marketers, and offering enhanced company pages for small businesses.

With these innovations, LinkedIn aims to solidify its position as a leader in AI integration, providing users with smarter tools to navigate their professional journeys.

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