Internet service restored to some customers days after outage – MainOne

Onwubuke Melvin
Onwubuke Melvin

MainOne, a Digital Infrastructure Service Provider on Saturday said that, it had restored service to a number of customers and was seriously working on restoring all services through capacity acquired on available cable systems.

This was disclosed in a statement on its website.

The statement said that the estimated repair time declared earlier, was for its submarine cable fault to be fixed.

The statement reads “We have already restored services to some customers and are actively working on restoring services to others via capacity acquired on available cable systems.”

MainOne had earlier said that it recognised the impact of this interruption and is working very hard to restore its capacity as soon as possible for temporary relief.

It said “We are very optimistic that our cable will be repaired as planned and services fully restored, so that we can continue to operate with continued integrity of the submarine cable.”

Recall, NCC had on Thursday explained that the disruption was caused by a combination of cable cuts, resulting in equipment faults on the major undersea cables along the West African Coast.

The NCC said that the damage was causing downtime across West and South African countries.

According to the regulatory authority, it has been reported that at some point around the Red Sea, similar undersea cables providing traffic from Europe to the East Coast of Africa, such as Seacom, Europe India Gateway Asia Africa Europe 1, have been cut.

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