Top five safest countries to travel in 2024

Alex Omenye
Alex Omenye

Iceland has emerged as the safest country to travel to in 2024 in a new report from International SOS— which provides travelers with priceless information on medical and travel security risks.

International SOS projects which countries are the safest, which are the riskiest, and what problems travelers will have in the upcoming year in its annual Risk Map 2024.

The Risk Map by International SOS examines a number of risk factors, such as those related to mental health, health, and security. Because of the rising global temperatures this year, International SOS also included climate-related hazards. Depending on the category, countries are grouped into five danger levels that range from negligible to high.

The security ratings of International SOS are determined by a number of variables, such as violent and minor crime, social upheaval, and political violence. Infrastructure related to transportation, labor relations, the efficiency of security and emergency services, and the likelihood of natural disasters are other considerations.

According to the Risk Map, the Scandinavian nations—which are well-known for their stability and capable leadership—remain among the safest places to visit. The world’s safest travel destination is Iceland, which comes in first. The nation ranks first for a variety of reasons, such as low levels of violence toward immigrants, low rates of violent crime, and a dearth of political violence.

Luxembourg is ranked second on the list with few security risks for visitors. The remaining three countries on the list of the five safest are Norway, Switzerland, and Denmark. These top nations’ low rates of crime and violence, strong law enforcement, and stable political environments are all factors in their safety.

Greenland, Slovenia, and Finland are a few other nations with negligible security risk. The United States is classified as low risk for travel security, though not the lowest. Among the five categories, it is the second.

The risk rating has dropped in several areas. Most significantly, El Salvador and a portion of Nepal now have reduced risk ratings from International SOS due to persistent declines in a variety of variables.

The greatest risk countries are characterized by political instability and weak government authority, which stands in sharp contrast to the stability of the safest nations. South Sudan is the world’s most dangerous nation, followed by Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Somalia, according to International SOS.

Here are the top five countries to travel to in 2024
1. Iceland
3. Norway
4. Switzerland
5. Denmark

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